Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Một, Hai, Ba!

One, Two, Three! (một, hai, ba)

Almost over three decades later and after having three of my own babies, I am now in the process of creating my second fundraising idea. 

In Vietnam there are many orphanages, they are set up by either the government, NGOS, volunteers from other countries, returning ex-servicemen and Vietnamese adoptees even.  Whoever is behind these orphanages they all have one goal in mind, and this is to provide a loving, caring and supportive environment for the orphaned or especially disabled children in Vietnam today.

My lifetime goal is to 'give back' or share some of the love and opportunities which have enabled me to live. I held a successful fundraising gig two years ago, by way of setting up a 'pop up' clothes store. I sold donated good quality second hand clothes. The funds raised were donated to Allambie Orphanage

The second fundraising idea is all about food.  Simple and delicious Vietnamese food.

Baby Thi

My life really began in 1975, when my adoptive Mother came to collect me from a Sydney based hospital, plucking me from a pile of malnourished, shaven headed and silent orphan babies.  She gave me love and life.

The orphaned babies had all been airlifted from Saigon in April 1975, as the end of the Vietnam War began.  We were part of a huge effort by the American, Australian and British governments to 'save' as many of the children orphaned by the war.  They named this Operation Babylift.

Most of the babies were without names or any type of official documentation.  I was known as 'Thi Phouc'.  Thi is Girl and Phouc is Blessings or Luck.